Jinger and Allie in 1998, looking out at their first snowfall. |
I've learned that Jinger, who never seemed to enjoy being held in my arms, actually loves it! I'm not sure if she saw me holding Emmi Sue so often that she became jealous and now wants the same attention she had been getting, but I love holding Jinger and rubbing her furry chin and neck. Jinger has the sweetest gurgle-purr ever!
My beautiful Jinger, laying back and relaxing. |
I can safely say that I'm falling in love with my kittens all over again! Yes, they are my eternal kittens since I adopted them at 7½ weeks. It's unreal to think that they are already 14½ years old! The most wonderful thing is that, aside from Jinger's hyperthyroidism, both are in perfect health. Allie's lab results were basically "boring," according to our vet, which is wonderful. Boring is great sometimes!
My silly Allie, being her goofy, adorable, crazy little self! |