
Saturday, May 12, 2012

I drove for the first time in almost 2 months!

After probably around seven weeks, I finally drove my car again, both Wednesday and yesterday.  It was wonderful.. especially yesterday.  I drove my car when mom and I went to my neurologist's office for my infusion on Wednesday and it felt good but when I drove alone, wow, it was beyond words!  Alone means I can smoke, open windows as wide as I want and turn my music up as loud as I like.  I realize, however, my legs aren't strong enough to drive all the time, mostly since after parking the car I still need to get out and walk to wherever it is I went in the first place. Therein lies the problem!  Mondays and Thursdays are my chiropractor days so if my legs feel strong enough, I'll be driving myself since my walking is minimal on those days.  Otherwise, it wouldn't be a possibility.  But wow, I felt so alive behind the wheel again.

My parents surprised me a few weeks ago by asking me if I would object to having a water softening system put in my house.  Are you kidding me?  I have not only wanted this but NEEDED it for as long as I've lived in my home, which will be 10 years next month.  I had not been expecting such a gift and was very grateful to them.  My dad installed the system this week and the difference has been incredible.  After washing my hair, all I can say is oh, my goodness.. my curls look wonderful!  Yes, I am once again in love with my hair, especially after it has been returning to it's lackluster state the last few weeks.  Hey, it's all about the hair!
I was chatting with my best friend, Krissy, on Facebook earlier this evening and she asked me if I've decided to become old because of my MS.  I have to admit that I was taken aback by her saying this when nothing could be further from the truth.  I simply replied that maybe it seemed that way in my blog posts because I've reached a different level of acceptance than before and really have no hope of a miracle cure.  I've made my peace in having multiple sclerosis for the rest of my life, no matter how miserable it may be.  I suppose I come off as far more serious than I really am here on my blog as I am honestly much more humorous, silly, extremely outspoken and have a very quick wit in "real life."  Does this come through in my posts?  Hmm, I'm not sure if it does, but there are many sides to what makes me, me.  I most definitely have a serious side along with much compassion, love and understanding.  Oh, and I still love my hair! :)

I'd like to end this post on a lighthearted note.  Remember, life is too short to be serious all the time and I really do laugh.. a lot!  I hope I don't offend anyone with this pic.. please enjoy it because it's funny!

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